Huge apologies for neglecting you these past weeks! Life has been particularly busy recently and here's what I've been up to...
I went up to London (aka my favourite place on the planet!), I:
- Walked around Borough Market and smelled all the smells (there were a whole lot o' smells!)
- Walked over the glass floor on Tower Bridge
- Visited all my animal pals at London Zoo

- Filled myself to the brim with sweet potato fries in The Diner, Camden
Then I hopped over to Air Hop Trampoline Park,
went to Chessington World of Advertures, watched Ant Man (which is amazing fyi)
and took a bike ride on a footpath filled with horses, my mortal enemy (Life lesson: never use footpaths for bike rides!).

And after all that excitment something bad happened... I went back to school *duh, duh, duuuuuuhhhh*! That's right, along with half of the population of England I went back to school all nice and organized ready for the year ahead! Now I'm back in the swing of things I will soon (hopefully) have my posts back to normal.
Let me know what you lot have been up to in the comments below and tag me in all the pics on Instagram with @bronwynsbeauty!
I hope you enjoyed this post,